
class digital_milliet.lib.commentaries.CommentaryHandler(db=None, authors=None, config=None, auth=None)[source]

Parses data for retrieval/storage to/from the database

__init__(db=None, authors=None, config=None, auth=None)[source]

CommentaryHandler object

  • db (PyMongo) – Mongo Db Handle
  • authors (AuthorBuilder) – helper for building new Author records
  • config (dict) – configuration dictionary

list of weak references to the object (if defined)


Save a new set of annotations from the input form

Parameters:form (dict) – key/value pairs from input form
Returns:the Milliet number for the saved annotations or None if the record couldn’t be saved
Return type:string
create_tag_annotation(tag, target, creator, date)[source]

Create a tag annotation

  • tag (string) – the tag (text or a URI)
  • target (string) – the target of the annotation
  • creator (dict) – the creator of the annotation
  • date (date) – the date the annotation was created

Annotation content to set at annotation[“tags”]


Make a structure for the annotation from a set of key/value pairs

Parameters:form (dict) – key/value pairs from the form
Returns:the annotation
Return type:dict
format_manifests_from_form(manifest_uri, publisher, date, milnum, update_anno=None)[source]

Helper to format IIIF Manifests given a form

  • manifest_uri – Manifest URI
  • publisher – Publisher
  • date – Current date (Isocode)
  • milnum – Current milnum

Value to set at annotation[“images”]


Make a Person for an annotation (i.e for contributor or creator) Uses the URI identifier for the user of the currently authenticated session

Returns:Person properties suitable for inclusion in the annotation
Return type:dict
format_translation_annotation(num, milnum, text, uri, own_uri, lang)[source]

Build the body of a translation annotation.

  • num (string) – the translation identifier (t1 or t2)
  • milnum (string) – the Milliet number for the annotation
  • text (String) – the text of the translation (None if uri or own_uri is supplied)
  • uri (string) – the uri of a translation - this is expected to be a CTS URN that appears in the linked cts repository
  • own_uri (string) – an user-supplied uri for a translation - this is for an externally linked translation text
  • lang (string) – the language code of the translation (‘fra’ or ‘eng’)

the body of the translation annotation

Return type:

string (for a URI) or dict (if an embedded body)

format_uri(milliet_id, subcollection_id=None)[source]

Make a Cite Collection URI for an annotation

N.B. this is not a valid implementation of the CITE protocol, as it does not support CITE collections. Future implementations should consider replacing this with a different identifier syntax.

Param:milliet_id: The Milliet number
Type:milliet_id: string
Param:subcollection_id: the subcollection identifier (e.g. commentary, bibliography, etc.)
Returns:the compiled URI
Return type:string

Create a unique id for an annotation

Return type:string

List all existing tag body values

Returns:tags and semantic tags
Return type:tuple
get_milliet(milliet_id, simplify=True)[source]

Get the first set of annotations that target the supplied Milliet Number

  • milliet_id – Milliet Number
  • simplify (bool) – If set to True, simplify for the view

Tuple where first element is the set of annotations and the second the author informations

Return type:

(dict, dict)


404 Not Found Exception – if the annotation is not found


List all known milliet numbers

Returns:List of Milliet Numbers and their commentary ID ?
Return type:tuple

Given a Milliet number, return the previous and next numbers available

Parameters:cid (string) – Milliet number
Returns:pair of Milliet numbers
Return type:(string, string)

Remove the annotation set that targets the supplied Milliet Number

Parameters:millnum – Milliet Number
Returns:the number of records removed
Return type:int
Raises:404 Not Found Exception – if the annotation is not found

Extract a sorted list of Milliet ID from a set of commentary annotations

Parameters:commentaries (list) – set of commentary annotations
Returns:sorted list of extracted Milliet numbers
Return type:list
search(query, tags=None)[source]

Search commentary record (Filters are exclusive) currently only searching in tags is supported

  • query – String to search
  • tags – Search in tags

List of matching records


Parse a db record into a dict setup for views

Parameters:annotation_set (dict) – the db record
Returns:Parsed version of the record
Return type:dict

Save an edited set of annotations to the db

Parameters:form (dict) – key/value pairs from edit form
Returns:True if successful False if not
Return type:bool

Update the contributors for an annotation

Inserts a Person object for the currently authenticated user if she doesn’t already appear as either creator or contributor.

Parameters:annotation_dict (dict) – the annotation to update

Validate the structure of an annotation.

This is not foolproof but it attempts to catch some errors that could come in from mistakes in data entry. It would be good to make sure these all couldn’t occur to begin with.

Parameters:annotation (dict) – the annotation record
Returns:True if valid False if not
Return type:bool
class digital_milliet.lib.author_builder.AuthorBuilder(db=None, catalog=None, collection_name='annotation', app=None)[source]

Provides methods for building new Author records in the database

__init__(db=None, catalog=None, collection_name='annotation', app=None)[source]


  • db (PyMongo) – Mongo Db Handle
  • catalog (Catalog) – Catalog API Manager

list of weak references to the object (if defined)


Adds or Updates Author Records in the Annotation Database

Author Records contain authority name and work information and are populated as annotations referencing an author and work are added to the annotator store so that they can be used for browsing

Parameters:data_dict (dict) – the full annotation

Get a list of authors

Returns:List of authors record

Quick access to Mongo collection


Retrieve an author record by CTS ID

Parameters:cts_id – CTS Identifier
Returns:Author Record

Retrieve an author record by Mongo Id

Parameters:_id – Mongo Unique Identifier
Returns:Author Record

” Make an Author db record from a catalog record and insert it in the database

Parameters:resp (dict) – the response from teh catalog lookup
Returns:the new Author db record
Return type:dict
make_work(work_id, millnum, pasg)[source]

Make a work record from a catalog record

  • work_id (string) – the CTS URN of a work
  • millnum (string) – the Milliet number
  • pasg (string) – the passage component from the work

the work record

Return type:



Extract a sorted list of milliet numbers from a set of commentary annotations

Parameters:comm_list (list) – set of commentary annotations
Returns:sorted list of milliet numbers
Return type:list

Remove milliet number mapping from an author record

Parameters:millnum (string) – the milliet number to remove
Returns:Number of mappings removed
search(query, name=None, works=None, milliet_id=None)[source]

Search authors record (Filters are exclusive)

  • query – String to search
  • name – Search in Name
  • works – Search in Works

List of matching records

update_author(cts_id, author_record)[source]

Update author identified by CTS_ID

  • cts_id – CTS Identifier
  • author_record – Updated Author Record

Result of update

class digital_milliet.lib.catalog.Catalog(app=None)[source]

Provides an interface to a Catalog API Endpoint which can lookup author and work records by CTS URN



Parameters:app (Flask) – The Flask App

list of weak references to the object (if defined)


Looks up an Author by authority id in the remote Catalog API endpoint

Parameters:urn (string) – The authority id (i.e textgroup CTS URN)
Returns:response from the API (this should be abstracted)
Return type:dict

Looks up an Work by authority id in the remote Catalog API endpoint

Parameters:urn (string) – The authority id (i.e work CTS URN)
Returns:response from the API (we should abstract this)
Return type:dict
class digital_milliet.lib.oauth.OAuthHelper(app)[source]

Helper class providing OAuth2 functionality to the application Implements flask_oauthlib.client



Parameters:app (Flask) – the wrapped flask app

list of weak references to the object (if defined)

static current_user()[source]

Gets the current user from the session

Returns:{ uri => <uri>, name => <name> }
Return type:dict
static oauth_required(f)[source]

decorator to add to a view to require an oauth user

Returns:decorated function
Return type:func
static oauth_token(token=None)[source]

tokengetter function

Parameters:token (string) – the Oauth token
Returns:the current access token
Return type:string

Route for OAuth2 Authorization callback

Returns:renders template

Route for OAuth2 Login

Parameters:next (string) – next url
Returns:Redirects to OAuth Provider Login URL
static r_oauth_logout()[source]

Route to clear the oauth data from the session

Parameters:next (string) – next url
Returns:redirects to next or renders template

Checks to see if the user is the authorized community for editing

This is a hack specific to the Perseids OAuth provider used as a way to limit editing of DM records to members of a specific community in Perseids Eventually editing could be delegated entirely to Perseids

Returns:True if the user name is listed in the configured community members, False if the user name is not listed
Return type:bool
class digital_milliet.lib.mirador.Mirador(db, app, parser)[source]

Parses data for retrieval/storage to/from the database

__init__(db, app, parser)[source]

Mirador object

  • db (PyMongo) – Mongo Db Handle
  • app (Flask) – Flask App
  • parser (CommentaryHandler) – CommentaryHandler

list of weak references to the object (if defined)


Create View

Returns:Recorded Data

Delete a record

Returns:Status of deletion
static dump(content, code=200)[source]

(View system) Returns a response in json with given code

  • content – BSON encodable object
  • code – HTTP Status Code



Retrieve a list of annotations from a collection

Parameters:digitial_milliet_id (str) – ID of the Digital Milliet Collection
Returns:List of annotation
get(image_uri=None, anno_id=None, _id=None, single=False)[source]

Retrieve annotations

  • image_uri (str) – URI of the canvas
  • anno_id (str) – Public Identifier of the annotation
  • _id (str) – Private Identifier of the annotation
  • single (bool) – Retrieve a single annotation instead of a list

List of Annotations matching the filters


Search View

Returns:Result of search
static simpleFormat(oAnnotation)[source]

Simplify the format of the annotation (Removes unnecessary information for Mirador)

Parameters:oAnnotation – Annotation to simplify
Returns:Simpler Annotation

Update an annotation

Returns:Updated Record