Source code for digital_milliet.lib.catalog

# coding utf-8
import requests

[docs]class Catalog(object): """ Provides an interface to a Catalog API Endpoint which can lookup author and work records by CTS URN """
[docs] def __init__(self, app=None): """ Constructor :param app: The Flask App :type app: Flask """ = app self.api_endpoint = app.config['CATALOG_API_URL']
[docs] def lookup_author(self, urn=None): """ Looks up an Author by authority id in the remote Catalog API endpoint :param urn: The authority id (i.e textgroup CTS URN) :type urn: string :return: response from the API (this should be abstracted) :rtype: dict """ url = str( self.api_endpoint + '/authors/search?canonical_id=' + urn + '&format=json') return requests.get(url).json()
[docs] def lookup_work(self, urn=None): """ Looks up an Work by authority id in the remote Catalog API endpoint :param urn: The authority id (i.e work CTS URN) :type urn: string :return: response from the API (we should abstract this) :rtype: dict """ url = str( self.api_endpoint + '/works/search?work=' + urn + "&format=json") return requests.get(url).json()