Source code for digital_milliet.lib.mirador

from uuid import uuid4
from flask import Response, request
from flask_pymongo import PyMongo
from datetime import datetime
from digital_milliet.lib.oauth import OAuthHelper
from bson.json_util import dumps

[docs]class Mirador(object): """ Parses data for retrieval/storage to/from the database """
[docs] def __init__(self, db, app, parser): """ Mirador object :param db: Mongo Db Handle :type db: PyMongo :param app: Flask App :type app: Flask :param parser: CommentaryHandler :type parser: CommentaryHandler """ self.mongo = db = app self.parser = parser '/api/mirador',, methods=["GET"], endpoint="mirador_search") '/api/mirador', view_func=self.create, methods=["PUT"], endpoint="mirador_create") '/api/mirador', view_func=self.update, methods=["POST"], endpoint="mirador_update") '/api/mirador', view_func=self.delete, methods=['DELETE'], endpoint="mirador_delete")
[docs] @staticmethod def dump(content, code=200): """ (View system) Returns a response in json with given code :param content: BSON encodable object :param code: HTTP Status Code :return: Response """ return Response( dumps(content), mimetype='application/json', status=code )
[docs] def get(self, image_uri=None, anno_id=None, _id=None, single=False): """ Retrieve annotations :param image_uri: URI of the canvas :type image_uri: str :param anno_id: Public Identifier of the annotation :type anno_id: str :param _id: Private Identifier of the annotation :type _id: str :param single: Retrieve a single annotation instead of a list :type single: bool :return: List of Annotations matching the filters """ if single is True: fn = self.mongo.db.mirador.find_one_or_404 else: fn = self.mongo.db.mirador.find kwargs = {} if image_uri is not None: kwargs["on.full"] = image_uri if anno_id is not None: kwargs["@id"] = anno_id if _id is not None: kwargs["_id"] = _id return fn(kwargs)
[docs] @staticmethod def simpleFormat(oAnnotation): """ Simplify the format of the annotation (Removes unnecessary information for Mirador) :param oAnnotation: Annotation to simplify :return: Simpler Annotation """ del oAnnotation["_id"] # the dctypes:Collection resource was added to link the IIIF annotation back to the original DM commentary # this is an extension to the IIIF annotation format that breaks the mirador viewer so we take it out before # displaying oAnnotation["resource"] = [ res for res in oAnnotation["resource"] if res["@type"] != "dctypes:Collection"] return oAnnotation
[docs] def from_collection(self, digitial_milliet_id): """ Retrieve a list of annotations from a collection :param digitial_milliet_id: ID of the Digital Milliet Collection :type digitial_milliet_id: str :return: List of annotation """ return [ self.simpleFormat(OA) for OA in self.mongo.db.mirador.find({ "resource.@id": self.parser.format_uri(digitial_milliet_id) }) ]
[docs] def search(self): """ Search View :return: Result of search """ if request.args.get("noCollection") is not None: return self.dump([self.simpleFormat(oAnnotation) for oAnnotation in self.get( image_uri=request.args.get("uri"))]) else: return self.dump([ {k: v for k, v in oAnnotation.items() if v not in ["_id"]} for oAnnotation in self.get(image_uri=request.args.get("uri")) ])
[docs] @OAuthHelper.oauth_required def create(self): """ Create View :return: Recorded Data """ data = request.get_json() milliet_number = request.args.get("milliet_number") data["annotatedAt"] = data["serializedAt"] = data["annotatedAt"] data["annotatedBy"] = self.parser.format_person_from_authentificated_user() data["@id"] = self.parser.format_uri( milliet_number, "anno-{}".format(uuid4())) if milliet_number is not None: data["resource"].append({ "@type": "dctypes:Collection", "@id": self.parser.format_uri(milliet_number) }) m_obj = self.mongo.db.mirador.insert(data) return self.dump( self.simpleFormat( self.get( _id=m_obj, single=True)), code=200)
[docs] @OAuthHelper.oauth_required def update(self): """ Update an annotation :return: Updated Record """ data = request.get_json() record = self.get(anno_id=data["@id"], single=True) record.update(data) record["serializedAt"] = return self.dump( self.get( anno_id=record["@id"], single=True), code=200)
[docs] @OAuthHelper.oauth_required def delete(self): """ Delete a record :return: Status of deletion """ annotationId = request.get_json()["@id"] status = "error" if self.mongo.db.mirador.delete_one({"@id": annotationId}): status = "success" return self.dump({"status": status})