Source code for digital_milliet.lib.author_builder


from flask import request, jsonify, url_for, session
import os
import requests
import re
from MyCapytain.common.reference import URN
from bson.objectid import ObjectId

[docs]class AuthorBuilder(object): """ Provides methods for building new Author records in the database """
[docs] def __init__( self, db=None, catalog=None, collection_name="annotation", app=None): """ Constructor :param db: Mongo Db Handle :type db: PyMongo :param catalog: Catalog API Manager :type catalog: Catalog """ self.mongo = db self.catalog = catalog self.__collection_name__ = collection_name = app if app and "AUTHORS_COLLECTION" in self.__collection_name__ =["AUTHORS_COLLECTION"]
@property def collection(self): """ Quick access to Mongo collection """ return getattr(self.mongo.db, self.__collection_name__)
[docs] def get_author(self, cts_id): """ Retrieve an author record by CTS ID :param cts_id: CTS Identifier :return: Author Record """ return self.collection.find_one({"cts_id": cts_id})
[docs] def get_author_by_mongoId(self, _id): """ Retrieve an author record by Mongo Id :param _id: Mongo Unique Identifier :return: Author Record """ return self.collection.find_one({"_id": _id})
[docs] def update_author(self, cts_id, author_record): """ Update author identified by CTS_ID :param cts_id: CTS Identifier :param author_record: Updated Author Record :return: Result of update """ return self.collection.update({'cts_id': cts_id}, author_record)
[docs] def remove_milliet_id_from_author(self, millnum): """ Remove milliet number mapping from an author record :param millnum: the milliet number to remove :type millnum: string :return: Number of mappings removed """ removed = 0 for author in, milliet_id=True): for work in author['works']: for tup in work['millnums']: if millnum in tup: work['millnums'].pop(work['millnums'].index(tup)) removed = removed + 1 self.collection.update({'_id': author['_id']}, author) return removed
[docs] def author_db_build(self, data_dict): """ Adds or Updates Author Records in the Annotation Database Author Records contain authority name and work information and are populated as annotations referencing an author and work are added to the annotator store so that they can be used for browsing :param data_dict: the full annotation :type data_dict: dict """ try: target = data_dict['commentary'][0]['hasTarget'][0] cite_urn = data_dict['commentary'][0]['hasBody']['@id'] urn = URN(urn=target) millnum = cite_urn.split('.')[2] namespace = str(urn.namespace) auth_id = str(urn.textgroup) work_id = "urn:cts:" + namespace + \ ":" + auth_id + "." + str( pasg = str(urn.reference) author = self.get_author(auth_id) if author is None: response_dict = self.catalog.lookup_author(auth_id) for resp in response_dict: if resp['urn_status'] is not 'invalid': author = self.make_author(resp) # We may still not have an author here, if the catalog lookup # didn't succeed if author is not None: works = author['works'] if not works: works.append(self.make_work(work_id, millnum, pasg)) else: work = next( (ent for ent in works if 'cts_id' in ent and ent['cts_id'] == work_id), None) if work is None: works.append(self.make_work(work_id, millnum, pasg)) else: exists = [ duet for duet in work["millnums"] if duet == [ millnum, pasg]] if len(exists) == 0: work['millnums'].append([millnum, pasg]) self.update_author(author['cts_id'], author) else: print("Unable to get catalog info for " + target) except TypeError as err: print("Invalid data for author build", err) pass except KeyError as err: print("Invalid data for author build", err) pass except ValueError as err: print("Invalid data for author build", err) pass except BaseException: print("Invalid data for author build") pass
[docs] def make_author(self, resp): """" Make an Author db record from a catalog record and insert it in the database :param resp: the response from teh catalog lookup :type resp: dict :return: the new Author db record :rtype: dict """ author = {} author['name'] = resp['authority_name'] author['cts_id'] = resp['canonical_id'] author['works'] = [] a_id = self.collection.insert(author) new_auth = self.get_author_by_mongoId(a_id) return new_auth
[docs] def make_work(self, work_id, millnum, pasg): """ Make a work record from a catalog record :param work_id: the CTS URN of a work :type work_id: string :param millnum: the Milliet number :type millnum: string :param pasg: the passage component from the work :type pasg: string :return: the work record :rtype: dict """ w_resp = self.catalog.lookup_work(work_id) work = {} for w in w_resp: if w['urn_status'] is not 'invalid': work['title'] = w['title_eng'] work['cts_id'] = w['work'] l = [[millnum, pasg]] work['millnums'] = l return work
[docs] def process_comm(self, comm_list): """ Extract a sorted list of milliet numbers from a set of commentary annotations :param comm_list: set of commentary annotations :type comm_list: list :return: sorted list of milliet numbers :rtype: list """ millnum_list = [] def convert(text): return int(text) if text.isdigit() else text def alphanum_key(key): return [ convert( re.split( '([A-Za-z]+)', key)[0])] for row in comm_list: try: cite_urn = str(row['commentary'][0]['hasBody']['@id']) millnum = cite_urn.split('.')[2] if millnum: millnum_list.append(millnum) else: pass except BaseException: pass return sorted(millnum_list, key=alphanum_key)
[docs] def author_list(self): """ Get a list of authors :return: List of authors record """ return self.collection.find( {"cts_id": {'$exists': 1}}).sort([("name", 1)])
[docs] def search(self, query, name=None, works=None, milliet_id=None): """ Search authors record (Filters are exclusive) :param query: String to search :param name: Search in Name :param works: Search in Works :return: List of matching records """ if name is not None: return self.collection.find({"name": query}) if works is not None: return self.collection.find({"works.title": query}) if milliet_id is not None: return self.collection.find({ 'works.millnums': { '$elemMatch': { '$elemMatch': { '$in': [query] } } } })