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The Digitat Milliet is a Python Flask Application backed by a Mongo DB database. It supports the creation and display of an interactive collection of ancient Greek and Latin texts about painting. It is a digital interpretation of “The Recueil des textes grecs et latins relatifs à la peinture ancienne” (“Collection of Greek and Latin Texts Concerning Ancient Painting”), the initiative of a French academic painter, Paul Milliet, who had a passion for ancient Greek culture.

Installation Instructions

The following instructions are for setting up a Development environment for Digital Milliet.

Install Prerequisites:

  • mongodb
  • python 3.5, pip and virtualenv
sudo apt-get install -y python3-pip python3-dev build-essential mongo

Clone the repository

git clone

Setup the sample data

mongorestore digital_milliet/db/sample

Create a virtual environment

cd digital_milliet
virtualenv -p /path/to/python3 venv
source venv/bin/activate
python install

Run the code, installing test fixtures and with a fixed user:

python --install --loggedin

Or deploy in Docker container

git clone
cd digital_milliet
docker build -t digital_milliet_image .
docker run -p 5000:5000 -t -i digital_milliet_image

For production deployment, see Puppet manifests in the puppet subdirectory of this repository.

Design: Motivation, Standards, Dependencies

The aim behind the design of the application was to support the representation of each entry in the original “Recueil” as a graph of annotations.

The primary annotation of a Digital Milliet graph/record set is a Commentary targeting a stable CTS URN identifier of the primary source Greek or Latin text which was the subject of the entry in the “Receuil”. This commentary annotation gets assigned an identifier which includes the original number of the entry in the “Receui”. Throughout the code and interface, this is referred to as the “Milliet Number”.

Additional annotations in each graph include a Bibliography, French and English translations of the primary source text, as well as images representing the described artwork or related material and semantic tag annotations on the images, the primary source texts, the translations and the commentary.

Entries are indexed for browsing both by Milliet Number and Author/Work/Passage of the target primary source text passage.

The Digital Milliet application retrieves Author and Work metadata for each primary source text is from the Perseus Catalog (

We have used a non-standard form of a CITE URN to assign identifiers to each individual annotation in the graph. This may eventually be replaced by UUIDs or other identifier system.

In order to facilitate data reuse and interoperability we represent these annotations according to the Open Annotation data model, a standard data model for serializing annotations on resources in the world wide web. (This model has now evolved into the W3C Web Annotation Model).

The original design called for primary source texts and translations to be identified only by their CTS URN identifiers and all textual passages retrieved at runtime from CTS Repositories.

However, as many of the texts and/or translations we need to refer to are not yet available online at a published CTS API endpoint, and the stability and long term sustainability of such end points are not clear, the application design was changed to enabled textual content to be included in addition to or instead of the CTS URN identifier of a text or translation.

The Digital Milliet application depends upon components of the CapiTainS suite ( for its interaction with CTS endpoints and validation of CTS URN syntax.

The application uses the IIIF standard for image referencing and annotations and reuses the open source Mirador Viewer ( to provide image display and annotation functionality.

A design for semantic tagging of textual content has not yet been decided upon.


The primary workflow for entering a new entry in the Digital Milliet is described in the diagram below.

Individual components of an entry can also be edited or added separately after the initial data entry, via the Edit interface.

Image annotations can be added, edited and deleted directly using the Mirador viewer.

Authentication and Authorization

The Digital Milliet application itself does not provide a user model or any AAI functionality.

The Create, Update and Delete functionality of the Digital Milliet application can be protected by the OAuth2 protocol. The location of the OAuth2 endpoint and other details must be supplied in these configuration settings:

OAUTH_NAME = "digitalmilliet"
OAUTH_REQUEST_TOKEN_PARAMS = {'scope': 'read'}
OAUTH_CALLBACK_URL = '<digmill_application_host>/oauth/authorized'

The deployment at uses Perseids ( as its OAuth2 provider. Perseids in turn delegates to Social Identity providers for user authentication. Perseids assigns a URI identifier to authenticated users and users supply a public-facing full name that they wish to be affiliated with their Perseids account. This information (the Perseids User URI and Full Name) are added as the creator associated with annotations created in the Digital Milliet application. Once a record is created, if it’s edited by a user other than the creator, that user is added as an additional editor in the updated annotations.

Although not recommended for production use, it is possible to disable the OAuth2 protection by setting the name and URI to associate with all records via the OAUTH_USER_OVERRIDE configuration setting. This could be used in combination with a simpler authentication method such as HTTP Basic Authorization.

OAuth2 provides Authentication but not Authorization support. (By Authorization we mean restricting create/update/delete access of Digital Milliet entries to only specific authenticated users.) Implementing a full user model and role-based authorization was out of scope for development of the Digital Milliet application. A potential future goal is to use the Perseids platform to provide editorial review board functionality, removing the ability to edit annotations directly in the Digital Milliet application.

With this goal in mind, we implemented a Perseids-specific stop-gap solution to provide Authorization functionality to the Digital Milliet application. The application configuration allows for the specification of the identifier of a Perseids review community (via the ENFORCE_COMMUNITY_ID setting). If this is specified, then authenticated users must be a member of the Perseids Community with that id in order to be able to create, edit or delete entries in the Digital Milliet. If the ENFORCE_COMMUNITY_ID setting is left empty, this functionality is disabled and all authenticated users can create, edit or delete entries.


All deployment specific variables and dependencies are specified in an external configuration file. By default the application looks for a configuration file named config.cfg in the digital_milliet base directory. An alternate path can be supplied in an argument to the DigitalMilliet Flask Application:

DigitalMilliet(app, config_file="path/to/your/config.cfg")

The default contents of this configuration file, with explanation of each setting, is provided below:

# Name of the Mongo database

# Secret key for Flask session
SECRET_KEY = 'development is fun'

# Perseids OAUTH Setup
# OAUTH_CONSUMER_KEY and OAUTH_CONSUMER_SECRET must be supplied by Perseids Administrator for Production use
OAUTH_NAME = "digitalmilliet"
OAUTH_REQUEST_TOKEN_PARAMS = {'scope': 'read'}

# Name of the collection for author records (future proofing to enable move to a separate collection)

# Set this to the ID for the Perseids community id in which membership enables Digital Milliet editorial permissions

# Not to be used in Production: eases development without OAuth Setup
OAUTH_USER_OVERRIDE = { 'oauth_user_uri' : 'http://sampleuseruri', 'oauth_user_name': 'Sample User' }

# Perseus Catalog API - Used for Lookup of Author and Work Metadata
CITE_COLLECTION = 'urn:cite:perseus:digmil'

# CTS API Endpoint for Retrieval of Primary Source Texts and Translations